
Screenshot of Helm Logo

The Helm CLI serves as a powerful package manager for Kubernetes applications, streamlining and simplifying the deployment and management of complex containerized applications. At its core, Helm utilizes charts—pre-configured packages of Kubernetes resources—to encapsulate and version entire applications. With the Helm CLI, users can effortlessly install, upgrade, and roll back applications, ensuring consistent and reproducible deployments across different environments. Its templating system allows for easy customization of configurations, while the Helm repository facilitates the sharing and distribution of charts. Whether orchestrating microservices or deploying scalable applications, Helm proves to be an indispensable tool for developers and operators seeking efficiency and consistency in Kubernetes environments.

Sample Helm Commands

Below is a list of common Helm CLI commands for managing Kubernetes applications:

Initializing Helm

Initialize Helm in your Kubernetes cluster:

 helm init

Adding a Helm Repository

Add a repository containing Helm Charts:

 helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable

Searching for Helm Charts

Searching for Helm charts in the added repositories:

 helm search repo <keyword>

Installing a Helm Chart

Install a Helm chart into your Kubernetes cluster:

helm install <release-name> <chart-name>

Listing Installed Helm Releases

List all installed Helm releases:

helm list

Getting Information about a Release

Get information about a specific Helm release:

helm status <release-name>

Upgrading a Helm Release

Upgrade a Helm release to a new version:

helm upgrade <release-name> <chart-name>

Deleting a Helm Release

Delete a Helm release from your Kubernetes cluster:

helm delete <release-name>

Viewing Helm Release History

View the history of changes for a Helm release:

helm history <release-name>

Uninstalling Helm

To uninstall Helm from your Kubernetes cluster, run:

helm reset

Further Reading

  • Read helm Official Documentation