Deploying ENBUILD Using IronBank Images

Follow these step-by-step instructions to deploy ENBUILD locally using Iron Bank images for testing.


Existing Kubernetes Cluster

Ensure that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster and obtain the KubeConfig file.

You can use rancher-desktop or k3d to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster.

Helm CLI

The Helm streamlines and automates Kubernetes deployments by managing charts, enabling users to easily package, version, and deploy complex applications.

Access to ironbank

Vivsoft has released the ENBUILD Container images in Ironbank in order to pull these images, you need to register in Ironbank and create credentials.

Screenshot of ENBUILD images in Iron Bank

Deployment Steps:

Following are the steps you will need to take to deploy ENBUILD to your Kubernetes cluster.

Add ENBUILD Helm Chart Repository

To add the ENBUILD Helm chart repository, run the following command:

helm repo add vivsoft

"vivsoft" has been added to your repositories

Note: If the helm repo is already present on you machine , update it to get the latest version

❯ helm repo update vivsoft

Configure ENBUILD Helm Values

Before deploying ENBUILD to the Kubernetes cluster, you will need to create a custom values.yaml file so that we can specify configurations unique to this deployment.

For local deployment however we require minimum deployment values.

Note: For more information about the complete set of ENBUILD Helm values click here!

Refer to the example helm input file to be used to pull images from IronBank for guidance.

Make sure to replace the REGISTRY1_USER_NAME and REGISTRY1_PASSWORD , with your registry1 credentials. AppVersion with the ENBUILD application version you want to install. ( Make sure the images with the selected tags are present in IronBank)


Make sure you update the values input to reference the values you created in Step 2. Execute the command below.

helm upgrade --install --namespace enbuild enbuild vivsoft/enbuild --create-namespace -f /tmp/quick_install_ib.yaml

Release "enbuild" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: enbuild
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 22 17:37:23 2024
NAMESPACE: enbuild
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  echo "Visit to use your application after starting the port forward"
  kubectl --namespace enbuild port-forward svc/enbuild-enbuild-ui 3000:80

Validate ENBUILD Deployment

Use the following commands to validate the ENBUILD pods are up and running.

kubectl get pods -n enbuild

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE
enbuild-enbuild-genai-8488c86d6f-csfmn     1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-enbuild-ui-56f5667d5b-4xckt        1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-mongodb-0                          1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-rabbitmq-0                         1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-enbuild-backend-66676f8cd8-hxtbr   1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-enbuild-user-b87d95b45-c79p6       1/1     Running   0                76m
enbuild-enbuild-request-7c47c6d67b-j2fnd   1/1     Running   1 (73m ago)      76m
enbuild-enbuild-ml-6f944ff759-ztdj6        1/1     Running   1 (73m ago)      76m
enbuild-rabbitmq-1                         1/1     Running   0                73m
enbuild-rabbitmq-2                         1/1     Running   0                72m
enbuild-enbuild-mq-575c965764-zcnlg        1/1     Running   18 (6m24s ago)   76m

Note: You might see restarts of the enbuild-enbuild-mq-* pod until the RabbitMQ service is up and running.

Validate the ENBUILD services are setup correctly

kubectl get services -n enbuild

NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                 AGE
enbuild-rabbitmq-headless   ClusterIP   None            <none>        4369/TCP,5672/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP   80s
enbuild-mongo               ClusterIP     <none>        27017/TCP                               80s
enbuild-enbuild-user        ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                                  80s
enbuild-enbuild-ui          ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                                  80s
enbuild-enbuild-backend     ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                                  80s
enbuild-rabbitmq            ClusterIP    <none>        5672/TCP,4369/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP   80s


Use the port forwarding command to access the ENBUILD UI using your web browser.

kubectl --namespace enbuild port-forward svc/enbuild-enbuild-ui 3000:80

Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 8080

Navigate your web browser to and set the admin password.

Screenshot of ENBUILD Login Screen

After you set the initial admin password, you should see the ENBUILD home page with BigBang Catalog.

Screenshot of ENBUILD Home Screen

Proceed to Configureing ENBUILD

Uninstall ENBUILD

Use the following command to uninstall ENBUILD from your Kubernetes cluster.

helm uninstall enbuild -n enbuild

release "enbuild" uninstalled